The best way to predict the
future of fashion is to create it.


We envision a fashion industry that goes beyond certifications and marketing.

We envision a fashion industry that goes beyond certifications and marketing.

We envision a fashion industry that goes beyond certifications and marketing.

It’s time to innovate the fashion industry.

We envision a fashion industry committed to back sustainability strategy with solid data.

We are driven by making an impact and committed to work hard to make this planet a better place by using our scientific skills and knowledge.

Our mission is to provide companies the best digital tools to work on their sustainability performances effortlessly.

We merge fashion with tech and sustainability.

We digitalize the fashion supply chain to implement sustainability in all decision-making.

We can change the fashion industry by enabling fashion companies to get in control of their sustainability data in real-time and fast.

We believe in the power of tech to facilitate sustainability in fashion and in a data-driven transparent industry.

Let’s change the future of fashion, together.


SBP's founding team boasts over fifteen years of experience in the fashion supply chain and ten years in sustainability and digital product management. That allowed us to build a science-based enterprise product in less than 12 months and win significant players from the first day of commercialization. We don’t think that success is only about a solid vision. We are tireless workers, with a strong passion for the business we are building and always ready to learn from failures.

Our Story
Be part of it

Our foundation

We are born in the fashion industry. Sustainable Brand Platform was founded in 2020 in the fashion district in Milan, Italy to support the fashion industry in pursuing sustainability goals with digital solutions.

Our expertise

We combine 25 years of experience as fashion producers for global brands with a science and sustainability department to design seamless and intuitive solutions for sustainability and supply chain managers of fashion companies.

Our mission

Sustainable Brand Platform enables fashion companies to lower their environmental impacts and transition to net zero by making access to their sustainability data simple, accurate and cost effective.

We are the change. We make sustainability fit into the fashion industry at its core and along the whole supply chain.

We are result-oriented. We don't measure our performance by the hours worked but by the impact of work delivered.

We are humans. There couldn't be any algorithms and solutions without the people designing and using them.

We celebrate. Success is about the progress we make in achieving our goals not the end destination.

We shoot for the stars. Innovation can't be found on the beaten track. If the sky is the limit the impossible becomes possible.

Our Values
How we work

Our Team
Works with purpose

Who we are

We are an international team of scientists, product developer and sustainability success managers working from different parts of the world towards the same goal of a sustainable fashion industry.

We love measurable solutions that can be demonstrated by data. Our mantra is: If you can't measure it, you can't improve it.

See all our job openings

Ready to start?

Get in touch with us today to become part of a collaborative
ecosystem for a data driven fashion industry.

Viale La Playa 15, 09123 Cagliari, Italy
IVA 11067270964
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